Provide the best
quality services to manufacture batteries with zero defects to
Establish and maintain
environment throughout the organization to ensure adequate control
of environmental risks arising from work activities by means of
preventing environmental accidents.
Maintain satisfaction
of customers through continual improvement in integrated management
system by implementation of ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 standards &
customer’s requirement.
Provide the framework
for setting, reviewing, documenting, implementing and maintaining
the Q & E objectives.
Communicate the Q & E
Policy to all our customers, employees, contractors, vendors and
other stakeholders, periodically to ensure that every stakeholder
safely performs its individual or corporate roles and
responsibilities within the scope and ambit of Q&E.
Implement emergency
procedures to prevent accidents and risks through awareness and
periodic refresher trainings to all employees and stakeholders.
Prevent and minimize
pollution arising from our activities, products and services.
Maintain the
compliance with current and future IMS applicable legal
requirements, approved code of practice and industry recognized